This is basically a video compilation from our 2016 autumn tour with the band pestarzt (go and check them out!!!)
The song is not only about p.r.s.o! the band, it is about all the people listening to hardcore punk and coming to gigs. To everyone that feels like an outsider in their own generation and surrounding.
Rodjeni u vreme srušenih snova
Kad' sve je počelo da tone u govna
Bez jasne budućnosti, bez vere i nacije
Mi smo šljam i otpad naše generacije
Živimo živote od danas do sutra,
Svaka vrsta iluzije odavno je mrtva.
Bez jasne budućnosti, bez vere i nacije
Mi smo šljam i otpad naše generacije
Ovo nije pesma (muzika)
Ni umišljena borba (revolucija)
Ovo je lavina
Besa i nezadovoljstva
Born in a time of broken dreams
When all started to sink in shit
Without a clear future
Without fate or a nation
We are scum and waste of our generation
We live lives like there is no tomorrow
Every form of illusion long is dead
Without a clear future
Without fate and a nation
We are scum and waste of our generation.
This is not a song/music
Or a fictional fight/revolution
This is an avalanche
of anger and discontent!
Recorded at Socijala Studio in 2014
Mix done by Pederico Rashiid
Music and lyrics by P.R.S.O!
Done DIY
Thnx Bane for the camera!
More about p.r.s.o!:
P.R.S.O! are:
Mare - Guitar
Tike - Drums
Leon - Vocals
Marin - Vocals
Zurke - Bass
Laky - Wheels
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