Nova tura od 12 bendova, koji će nastupiti na 22. izdanju Brutal Assaulta u Jaromeru, Češkoj upravo je najavljena! Prvo veliko ime jest švedski prog gigant Opeth. Britanski SIKTH, inspiracija mnogim djent i progresivnim bendovima novijeg kova, svoje riffove po prvi put predstavljaju publici Brutala.
Dva benda koja ne trebaju specijalan opis: grčki Rotting Christ i američki Prong, sa ponosom su potvrdili svoj dolazak.
Poljski veterani teck deatha, Decapitated ponovno dolaze na festival, i planiraju napraviti ludu zabavu povodom svoje dvadesete godišnjice postojanja. Osim njih, death metal obožavatelji mogu se veseliti sastavu Deserted Fear, a black metal zastupaju Tsjuder. Već postojećim velikanima sludgea pridružit će se američki Cough.
Za ljubitelje Core žanrova, priredili su prave delicije, i osigurali bendove poput Chelsea Grin, While she Sleeps i The Amity Affliction.
Zadnji za ovu najavu, ali nikako na kraju reda, dolaze njemački industrial veterani KMFDM i američki eksperimentalni kolektiv Werkmeister Harmonies.
Sve informacije, kao i karte po promotivnoj cijeni od 78€ možete naručiti putem www.brutalassault.cz/en/
Brutal Assault 2017 confirms 12 new bands!
The second round of bands confirmed for BA 2017 is here! This time lets start with Swedish OPETH, unique metal act combining heavy riffs and prog elements for more than 20 years. British SIKTH will finally come to festival to play their influental music to the djent movement within progressive metal.
The other bands also do not need any special introduction: Greek gothic black metal matadors ROTTING CHRIST or American PRONG playing groovy crossover thrash.
Polish tech death metal DECAPITATED announced a special set to 20th anniversary. Another death metal act on the bill DESERTED FEAR is raging fierce take on the genre. Norwegian TSJUDER is known best for their relentless, aggressive approach to Black Metal. American COUGH is bringing their devastating heavy sludge/doom.
Three acts will offer uncompromising core music: THE AMITY AFFLICTION and CHELSEA GRIN and WHILE SHE SLEEPS. While Australians THE AMITY AFFLICTION will bring metalcore with post-metal elements, American CHELSEA GRIN will serve killing deathcore. The last is British metalcore WHILE SHE SLEEPS, powerful live band and one of the most promising band of the genre.
Last but not least on the bill are German respected industrial veterans KMFDM and American experimental music collective WREKMEISTER HARMONIES that combines drone and postrock elements.
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